Our site migration is now complete! This should mean a much better and faster experience for everyone visiting the site. You will have noticed it’s been a bit quiet around here and this has been the reason. The previous wordpress site was just too slow and solutions to make it faster were either too expensive or as difficult as switching hosts. Given this is a content oriented blog and doesn’t need a lot of scripting, I decided to switch over to building the site on Jekyll and hosting in Github Pages.

I’m limited by time and skills like everyone but I try hard to keep the site accessible, responsive, and performant so I’m most proud of the accessibility and performance metrics I’ve been able to achieve. Below is the lighthouse results from parsing the site. See lighthouse results screenshot below as of today.

If you have any trouble with the site or notice any problems please tag or DM me on twitter and I hope you enjoy the new site!

Dashboard screenshot from lighthouse analytics showing performance, accessibility and other metrics.
Image credit Wizards of the Coast